Very important! If your child has frequent digestive complaints or food allergies, make sure to ask the advice of your physician first! In this part of the FitFiver Program you will find nutritional advice to enhance optimal development and smooth digestion, and to change bad nutritional habits.

Thirst and hunger are natural phenomena of the body. A healthy body has a precise water and nutrition system. Every day at the usual time, the body expects water and food in order for digestion and nutritional absorption to function properly. Satisfaction of thirst and hunger induces a feeling of natural satiety. However, many people do not stop eating once their hunger is satisfied, and develop a habit of over-indulging. 75% of the people eat and drink at times when they are not actually hungry or thirsty. At the same time, there is a large-scale decline in physical activity.

Bad nutritional habits, meals with low nutritional value, harmful additives, and minimal exercise; how do these affect our children? The rate of growth and developmental problems has drastically increased recently. Today, more and more kids are either obese or too skinny instead of having a normal healthy body composition. Abnormal body development can be observed in every third child. At the age of 10, 10% of children are obese and another 10% are malnourished. The problem is so enormous, there is no need to analyse statistical data any further. It is enough to simply look around on the street. A tremendous number of children...

Yes. Every digestive problem can be traced back to the quality of nutrition; tooth decay, lack of taste, excess gastric acid, painful bowel problems, and frequent constipation leading to haemorrhoids and weakened kidneys. Insufficient nutrition even has negative effects on vision. Furthermore, the lack of adequate nutrition causes degeneration of the bones, loss of muscle mass and cardiovascular problems. These are caused by the same reason that causes the occurrence of aesthetic problems as well, such as blemished skin and eczema. Even food allergies can develop with symptoms of itching and rash.  In addition, we have...

We need to choose a diet that is adequate for the proper development of the child with respect to both quality and quantity. A relaxed atmosphere during meal times is also very important in regards to the quality of the diet. The healthy diet should fulfil the following 5 criteria: The diet needs to be a long-term lifetime diet that you can follow indefinitely. You need a diet for yourself and your children that does not need to be adjusted from time to time. It is not possible to change eating habits drastically because there is a limit to the body's ability to adapt to sudden change. You need to assist your body's...

Between the ages of 10 to 14, hormonal changes cause the body to experience growth spurts. If the child gains weight too slowly, it can result in emaciation. During this, the child might not receive the nutrients necessary for proper development and therefore bone growth will not be followed by muscle growth. Do not force the child to eat because it can lead to a lack of appetite. Increasing portion sizes is not a good idea either. A better idea might be to give smaller portions in shorter intervals, such as 6 small meals a day. The meals should contain high-energy fats and carbohydrates and the appropriate weight ratio of protein....

Adult obesity can begin in childhood. Currently, there are more obese children than ever before. A predisposition for obesity can be inherited, so if one or both parents are considered obese, there is a strong chance that the child will become obese as well. Between the ages of 10 and 14, normal hormonal changes cause growth spurts. If the child gains a great deal of weight during this growth, it could greatly influence their future health because they will be likely to stay obese. Weight problems are often multiplied by emotional crises in life. Children are often more direct and more cruel with each other than adults are. A fat...

It is important that children be able to know for themselves what affect specific foods have on their body and digestion. If they do not wish to eat something, they should not eat it just because it is on the table. Remember the adage: "You are what you eat.” This statement is quite true. The condition of our body is the direct result of the way we live our lives. What we eat affects every cell in our body, and it affects our thoughts and the way we feel about ourselves. Regular and nutritious meals will greatly improve a child's digestion and metabolism. Obese children will lose weight, children who are too skinny will gain muscle...