Incorrect posture is a disorder in the development of the spine. At first, it is only a problem stemming from the musculature; thus there is not yet a pathological problem in the bone system.

Incorrect posture is a serious and widespread disorder. Statistical data shows that 50% of children and 70% of adults have incorrect posture. If you observe people, you will notice that many have some form of postural deformity.

Careless posture starts to develop most often between the ages of 6 and 10. Children attending preschool spend up to 40 hours sitting on uncomfortable school benches or chairs. As a result, their muscles cannot follow the rapid growth of their body. A weak physical structure can hinder not only the physical capacity of the child, but his or her mental capacity as well.

Yes. As simple as incorrect posture may seem, the consequences are very serious. Improper posture gives a child a 70% chance to develop flat feet, visual problems, and respiratory and digestive problems. Incorrect posture of an adolescent could lead to severe spinal diseases, herniated discs, nerve impingements and constant lower back pain. In today's fast-paced world, people do not use their bodies consciously. They only pay attention when symptoms of a severe disorder become permanent or chronic. Correct postural control needs to be taught to children early before the appearance or development of a disorder.

As mentioned previously, incorrect posture stems from the disproportionate bone and muscle development. The child grows but the musculature is underdeveloped. There are psychological causes as well since inner tension results in muscle spasms. Many children are under a great deal of pressure in school. Most of them are not ready to perform under such pressure and consequently are having trouble getting the results that are expected of them. Because of this under-performance, the child's self-esteem and inner strength gradually weakens, and the muscles around the spine will be less likely to maintain correct posture. The child will not...

Crooked spine School backpacks cause constant asymmetric weight distribution when children carry them over only one shoulder. As a result, severe joint problems can develop in hips, knees and ankles. Hunched back 95% of the time it is a result of incorrect posture from underdeveloped back muscles. Frequent lower back pain Due to the extended times spent sitting, the lower back muscles atrophy and can no longer support the vertebrae. The pain can result in further deformities and can lead to herniated discs. Change in balance Spinal changes alter the structure of the abdominal cavity to compensate for the shift...

The most important advantage is that it prevents other developmental disorders such as flat feet, visual problems, asthma, allergies or digestive problems. Better blood and energy circulation The health of the spine and surrounding musculature ensures that the energy stores of the body are always full. Proper circulation supplies all the organs with needed nutrients. Easier respiration and digestion Correct posture does helps inner organs to perform optimally by preventing them from being compressed. Muscles of the torso are relaxed and free of cramps The child can stand and sit without fatigue for a longer period....

The spinal column has 24 moving vertebrae. It is arched in 4 places that we call curves.

Forward bend : The spine is almost a perfect arch. Backward bend : The arch has three sharper curves. Bend to the side : The ribs limit the movement in this position. Rotation : The greatest movement is along the neck and there is no rotation at the hip. Suspension : The inter-vertebral discs protecting the brain from shock supply the vertical movement.

Correct posture : All the curves developed correctly. Hunched back : The dorsal and lumbar curves are increased. Flat back : The dorsal curve flattened and the lumbar curve is decreased. Curved back : The dorsal curve increased and the lumbar did not change.

The inter-vertebral discs gain fluid during sleep, thus in the morning we are 0.5 - 0.8 inch (1 to 2 cm) taller. You should not lean forward when brushing your teeth in the morning because it causes damage to your displaced vertebrae.

Wall test Standing with your back against the wall, allow your heels, buttocks and shoulder blades to touch the wall. If you have incorrect posture, your waist, shoulders and head will be approximately 1 to 1.5 inches (3 to 4 cm) away from the wall.

Like most other developmental abnormalities, prevention is the most important. The spine's early deformities can be corrected with targeted strengthening of the muscles around the spine. The FITFIVE system's exercises will result in a huge improvement of your child's musculature. This way you can prevent the development of incorrect posture. Step-by-step, You will learn a wide range of exercises from the basics all the way to the more complex exercises.