Asthma for Breating Exercises

The first rule for healthy respiration is to breathe in and out through the nose. The nose warms, moisturises, and filters the air. According to alternative holistic medicine, the air contains energy that enters the body through the nose via inhalation, providing the body an intense amount of energy. Mountain climbing is a good example. During the climb, we often enjoy inhaling the fresh mountain air through our nose and not through our mouth. During intense exercise, running or weight lifting, the body needs more oxygen, thus we breathe through our nose and mouth simultaneously.

If your child has a cold and his or her nose is congested, do not have him or her practise the breathing exercises because habitual mouth breathing may develop as a result.

Explain to your child that it is best to sleep with his or her mouth closed. Breathing through the mouth gives much less energy, therefore making it very hard to wake up in the morning. Unfortunately, nasal breathing during sleep is impossible to control. All you can do is to teach the correct sleeping position, which is to lie on your side. It is in the side position that the lung is not compressed and there is a much better chance that he or she will be nasal breathing continuously throughout the night.

Every exercise should begin with exhalation! It is important to first exhale used air from the lungs and only after to inhale fresh air. The depth of exhalation actually determines the depth of inhalation.

During longer breathing exercises, mild lightheadedness may be experienced. If the child experiences vertigo or faints, suspend the exercise for a few minutes and have the child lay down. The child's body may not be accustomed to the oxygen rich air and so will need a short rest. This is completely natural and happens to 90% of people when beginning correct breathing techniques.

If possible, perform the respiratory exercises at the same time every day to establish a routine that will become part of your life.

Children often challenge each other to find out who can hold their breath the longest. It is good idea to try to focus and hold one’s breathe before attempting any strenuous exercise. This type of concentration can be observed when watching athletes compete. It is very important to concentrate and hold one’s breath before the exercise and never during it. Do not hold your breath during exercise. The air that is held back cleans and works the alveoli of the lung. This type of exercise and concentration is not recommended before the age of 10!

Never let your child dress in tight clothing, not even during exercise! Until the age of 14, the lungs are going through development and their free movement should not be hindered by anything.