Golden Rules for the correct posture

Correct posture can feel strange, tiring, and uncomfortable to those who stood crooked for years. The cause can be found in the under-developed muscles of the back. With constant adjustment and exercises that strengthen the back muscles, this feeling will disappear along with earlier motor complaints.

Abdominal, back, thigh and buttock muscles are responsible for correct posture. These muscles considered to be opposing. However, they also influence each other at the same time: extensor and flexor, adducting and abducting muscles are involved. Train abdominal muscles together with back muscles, hip muscles with buttock muscles, and thigh extensors with thigh flexors. This way you can achieve equal muscle power and optimal flexibility.

Always try to adjust ankles, knees, hips, abdominal wall, chest, shoulder blades, shoulders and the head together at the same time. This posture is easiest to learn while spending few minutes with your back to the wall or lying down on the floor every day.

Dramatic evidence can be seen by observing family albums. You can recognise the evolution of incorrect posture. Always pay close attention to your child's spinal development through observing family photos and videos, as well as his or her control over posture and movement.

It is important to pay attention to children’s posture when they are in a sitting as well as in a standing position. The ideal height of a chair should accommodate the complete thigh of the child and the entire back should touch the vertical back panel. The child’s feet should touch the ground completely and the lower legs should be at a right angle to the ground. The top of the table or desk should be at the height of the diaphragm. The ideal height of a desk and a chair will leave little room for the child to hunch.

Don’t just simply tell children to correct their posture, but go and help them adjust their body into the correct posture.

The following points should be understood. They are listed from bottom to top, since a good foundation is imperative to correct the upper torso as well. Correct Posture 1. Bend your knees approximately half inch (1 cm) each. 2. Tighten your buttocks. 3. Tilt the pelvis slightly forward. 4. Contract and tighten the abdominal muscles. 5. Open your rib cage and extend your chest. 6. Pull your shoulders back and lower them slightly. 7. Lift your head and pull it back with the aid of your neck a bit.