How to create an exercise list?

Which exercises should he or she do?

Important! Before exercising, it is very important to always do a proper warm-up!

1. approach: Therapeutic exercising
To fight and stop a problem that has already developed or in the process or developing.
If your child has one or more health problems, select the appropriate exercises.
For incorrect posture > Balance, Rhythm, Flexibility, Muscles, Acrobatics exercises; For flat feet > Feet exercises; For asthma > Lungs exercises; For vision problems > Eyes exercises.
Exercise 30 minutes, at least 3 times a week!
2. approach: Ad-hoc exercising
A useful and effective way for children to spend their spare time in order to rejuvenate body and mind.
Ask your child what kind of exercises he or she would like to do. Or simply print his or her favourite exercises and just hand it to your child. This way you can be sure that your child will spend his or her free time usefully and in good spirit.
Whenever your child watches TV or sits in front of the computer a lot; physically inactive.
3. approach: Complete Training Program (Recommended!)
To make regular exercises part of the child’s daily routine, methodical and pro-active disease prevention.
Every day make your child do different exercises, cover all the exercises on the list. Make sure he or she knows all the exercises. Your child can choose some favourites but he or she needs to do all the exercises carefully and conscientiously.
Exercise 30 minutes, at least 5 times a week!
4. approach: Sport supplementation training and exercising
To develop the necessary faculties and musculature for the child’s sport activities.
Talk to your child's trainer, coach or instructor to find out which FITFIVE exercises are the best to promote your child's abilities in his or her chosen sport activity. Find out what faculties your child needs to strengthen and which muscle groups he or she needs to enhance and boost.
Between regular training sessions, normally twice a week.

