Avoiding harmful drinks and foods

Processed and flash-frozen foods contain lot of harmful additives. Chocolate, candies, chips, and soft drinks are especially dangerous. Colorings, preservatives, taste enhancers and stabilisers are found in these snack foods in large quantities. To avoid harmful foods in your child's diet, simply do not buy them. If bad food is not in the fridge or pantry, the child will not eat them. This is an extreme approach but guaranteed to work best. The child will stay away from bad foods if he or she can take part with his or her parents in formulating a healthy diet. If the child is involved in the process, he or she will take ownership of...

Sugar is a simple carbohydrate and cannot supply energy for an extended period of time. Using it for energy is like making fire with newspaper; it will burn fast and so you will quickly need more to keep the fire going. High blood sugar signals the pancreas to produce more insulin, which causes cells to remove the sugar from the blood. The increase in insulin will result in a drop in the body’s blood sugar and and the insulin stays in the blood. These changes cause a decrease in energy which results in depression or dissatisfaction. The easiest way to overcome this feeling is by consuming more sugar. Thus, a vicious circle begins with...

Salt and the consumption of high-sodium foods: - Constricts blood vessels which leads to high blood pressure. - Causes the feeling of hunger which results in obesity. - Makes the body retain water, which results in bloating, fullness, and depression. - Induces an unnatural sensation of thirst because sodium gets incorporated into the body and our system is trying to get rid of it with excess water. An adult body needs 0,0078 oz (220 milligrams) of sodium daily; one spoonful of table salt contains 10 times the recommended amount. One-fifth of a teaspoon of sea salt satisfies the recommended daily value of sodium. Sea salt...

Cola, tea and coffee contain caffeine. Caffeine is a dependency inducing poison. It acts as a diuretic, causing the body to lose water, calcium and vitamins. Caffeine gives the body a short energy boost, but then the energy level will crash because it leaves the system so quickly. The energy of a child who consumes caffeine-containing drinks declines almost immediately if the next dose is not given. Adults drink coffee to fight fatigue. It works for a few hours, but after the effects wear off, they will be even more tired than before. The body gets used to the energy that is gained through an unnatural process and the person becomes a...

Manufacturers are well aware of the idea that children can be easily hooked on sugary foods and beverages. Ninety-five percent of the "dishwater" that is available from stores is water with sugar in it. It will probably also contain a small percentage of fruit, taste and aroma enhancers, bright colorings agents, and preservatives. These drinks cause tooth decay and in addition upset the stomach’s acid balance. Teach your child to quench their thirst with water. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices contain many calories, vitamins, and minerals but only minimal amounts of fibre. Consumption of this type of fresh juice should be limited. I...

In today’s world, these are by far the worse sources of an unhealthy diet. Any child who becomes addicted to eating these snack foods is more than likely to develop some sort of health problem. Most chocolate products on the shelves of supermarkets contain 95% sugar, fat, and additives, but only minimal amounts of cocoa. Excessive consumption of these products condenses faecal matter, which can lead to constipation. Chips contain one-third fat, 10% sugar, and salt. Ice creams are made of fat, sugar, milk powder, and additives. Many people believe that these products are perfectly okay to consume once a day. Let us do some...