All the exercises of FitFive have 5 levels. The executable level is determined by your general and actual present state of fitness. If you are tired, practise your training only on the 1st and 2nd level daily. If you are in normal condition, exercise on the 3rd and 4th level exercises. If you are very active, train on the 5th level. If you are ill or injured, do not train! FitFive has five intensity levels:   FitFive intensity levels Aerobic training, for example running 1st Light walking. 2nd You can chat easily while running. 3rd Chatting is more difficult, but you can still talk as you move. 4th...

Training can be carried too far, which leads to an unhealthy state. Everything must be done in moderation, as your system needs to get used to gradual development. Start slowly and make gradual progress. Never force movement on yourself, and never torment yourself with exercise that goes beyond your capability, because you might get hurt! Too little work is not effective, too much is very dangerous. The intensity of training shouldn't be so high that at the end you are struggling for air, or have to stop. As you know, during a lack of oxygen, muscles get tired more quickly, and on top of that fat is only burnt off in the presence of...

Always attempt quality and not quantity! Concentrate on the correct pose and movements. Qualitatively done, high intensity training is needed. Train for a maximum of an hour and a half, and a maximum of 5 times a week. Muscles perform their best work with complete concentration. If your mind wanders, try to bring it back to the exercise right away. Most exercises happen with inhaling and exhaling: this gives you a perfect rhythm. Concentration on breathing creates the balance you need for performing exercises. You have to help the physical work with the active participation of your mind. The movement falls out of the rhythm of...

A szervezetednek, az izmaidnak legalább két napot pihenniük kell az ugyanolyan típusú edzések között. Az izmok teljes regenerálódásának ideje 48-72 óra, ugyanazt az izmot a regenerálódási időn belül edzeni felesleges. Ha mindig betartod az izmok pihenési idejét, akkor tartósabb eredményt fogsz elérni. Ráadásul a sérülés kockázatát is minimálisra csökkented, hisz egy kipihent izmot könnyebb irányítani, mint egy fáradtat.

If somebody regularly trains over his capability, he becomes overtrained. Your system is then unable to rejuvenate itself: you must be wary of this situation, and take it seriously. The most frequent features of overtraining are: - General: low energy levels, chronic tiredness, loss of appetite; - Mental signs: the lack of enthusiasm and concentration ability; - Physical signs: tired, aching muscles, increased morning pulse and blood pressure. The cure for overtraining is shortening the training time, reducing the intensity, with more relaxation and more sleep. In FitFive active, demanding exercises are followed by passive, stretching...

The best judge of intensity during training is the heart. It can be measured by hand, with a pulse watch, or there are built-in watches in modern cardiovascular machines. It is important to determine your maximum pulse rate, so that you can measure the different intensity levels. To work out your maximum pulse rate, subtract your age from 220. The calm pulse of an adult is about 60-70 per minute, but a highly-trained sports person's value can be below 50, because their hearts work more effectively. One of the elements of a training diary is following your changing pulse. Do a pulse measurement on three subsequent days in the...

Only active sports people can train on their maximum pulse rate, because it challenges the body so much. The optimal pulse rate for training is between 50 and 90% of the maximum. Within this range, you can train for three targets:   Training target Pulse rate Who is it suggested for? In what kind of exercise? 1: Health protection 50-60 % of maximum For beginners and older sports people Fast walking or slow running 2: Fat burning 60-75 % of maximum For those who want to lose weight or for the more experienced Medium intensity running 3: Improving stamina 75-90% of maximum For advanced sports...