Hunger and thirst are natural requests of your body, reporting a lack of food or water. When they appear, you have to ease them. You should not keep your body waiting, especially when a lack of water occurs. If you are precise with your food and water intake, your body gets used to this system, and daily at regular times it will crave food and water.

Easing hunger and thirst can cause a feeling of satisfaction on their own, but this doesn't satisfy some people. They develop the cravings further into a self-gratifying pleasure in the wrong way. People eat and drink even their body don't want anymore intake by nature. In the world of exotic tastes and flavours, it is hard to resist temptation so we bombard ourselves with all kinds of harmful content foods and beverages. You can cease these gradually by decreasing quantity and frequency, but while harmful food is still a part of your life at least chew thoroughly especially meat products.

We need to choose a diet that is adequate for us with respect to both quality and quantity. A relaxed atmosphere during mealtimes is also very important in regards to the quality of the diet. So remember - FitFive! 1. Long-term The diet needs to be a long-term lifetime diet that you can follow indefinitely. You need a diet for yourself that does not need to be adjusted from time to time. It is not possible to change eating habits drastically because there is a limit to the body's ability to adapt to sudden change. You need to assist your body's proper functioning and not subject it to tests again and again. 2. Versatile, diverse...