Understaing the symptoms

Nature always gives us another chance, another opportunity. The ill person has to change his lifestyle, his way of thinking and then he will be healthy again. A warning sign is the role of diseases. Diseases signal that the life of a person is not going towards healthy development but towards decay, so you have to make changes. What changes to make and when? The symptoms give answers to these questions. Symptoms signal diseases. They appear if the mind has been directing the body wrongly. They attract attention to the fact that if everything carries on this way, the body and the mind will become even sicker. Unfortunately most people...

As I've already mentioned the human body, spirit and mind are linked. If one of them is missing, or operates incorrectly, the balance turns upside down, and disease appears. A disease appears in a certain organ or relevant section of the body. In spite of this we must refer to the whole body, to inadequacies of the whole human unit. The meaning of the disease can't be limited to an organ, we have to accept that the mistake is in the whole human unit before we can solve the problem.

If people don't take the early symptoms seriously or just treat it with some kind of medicine, the illness returns within a short time: often in the form of a more serious disorder. This happens often, until you take the message of the disease seriously, and learn what to change. The process can be stopped at any moment, if you realise and interpret the signs correctly. Symptoms often appear first on the inside: the feelings of a person deteriorate, he has more and more negative feelings. If you pay attention to your health, you may think: "What is the reason that I suffer from depression? Can I do something another way? Should I think a...

If you didn't recognise the first sign, you will get the next sign. The second sign normally appears on physical level: with small and recurring accidents, or diseases. Here there are bodily symptoms, and here people make the second mistake: often to repress the symptoms. But if the problem stays, the system signals with more and more serious diseases. Could you then think "Stop! You are not going in the right direction! You must develop healthily, consciously and substantially, but instead you are getting sicker and sicker and everything is collapsing around you." Inflammations, chronic diseases, treatments lasting for years, then...

Many people think that the illness found them by chance, they are its innocent victims. They ask: "Why me?" Then comes the second question, that is the first sign that they start understanding something: "What have I done, what is my sin that destiny hits me with illness?"

Illness should be interpreted not as an enemy, but as a friend, since it always aims to help people step back on the road leading to health. If you change your lifestyle and way of thinking, you can defeat the disease so that it won't appear again. And what is even more important is that with defeating the illness, you can step higher on your ladder of development. If bodily healing comes together with positive mental change, you have definitely stepped in the direction of development! What I usually think at this point is: "There is no bodily suffering, that the spirit can't take advantage of, if we recognise the real meaning of the...

Let's see what we should do so that these illnesses do not cause us to deteriorate. First of all, if you realise some symptom in yourself, examine it thoroughly. Don't remove the symptoms right away even by chance, because then you can only interpret them after their appearance. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't treat the illness with adequate medicines, otherwise your health will quickly deteriorate. In many cases, some medicines are needed, but without mental changes they will bring only temporary changes in your overall health. Look at when the first symptoms appear, and how serious they are. Compare your life with the overriding...

"I know that this illness often goes that way, but my case is different." - I've heard it many times and I will now offend everybody who thinks like this. There are no exceptions in connection with health and sickness - the laws of nature apply to everyone. There was a flu epidemic that made one of my acquaintances sick but not me. "I only got sick because of the flu, I cannot help it," he said. "Yes, but then why didn't I get sick? Because my immune system is stronger. And why is yours weaker? What is the reason?" He knew the answer: " Because I smoke and don't do any sports."